Module-Logistic Ltd. establishes business relations with suppliers from other countries, provides holistic set of services in the field of international transport.

Product delivery

Currency payments overseas

Customs clearance

location of products in our own warehouse

Distribution of products all over the Customs Union to final consumers on your instruction

Search of new buyers for your product


Legal services while registering trademarks

Goods movement control

Pursue other interests of foreign manufacturers in the Russian Federation

Branch office in China (Shanghai) and in Thailand (Bangkok) enables uninterrupted supply of the goods by sea or railway to Russian market.

Module-Logistic Ltd.

Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Region, Russia.

Tel.: +7-8793-39-96-09; 38-41-00, Mob.: +7 -928-639-93-59,


Cooperation with our company may become an efficient instrument for strengthening your business!